Friday, June 25, 2010

More German Players Making Complete Tits Out of Themselves...

Sportbild isn't finished yet. Apparently, nearly all German players are lacking decent advisors these days. Somebody needs to protect these clowns from themselves. In any case, given the terribly unstereotypical weather conditions at this World Cup, these unrivaled pieces of art are a welcome reminder that the damn thing is actually taking place in AFRIKA!

So here we have Thomas Müller as some type of African warrior; Toni Kroos (who may have to replace Schweinsteiger against England - but that's a whole different post) as, good God, a python; and Jérôme Boateng (who may also miss the England game due to injury) as, well, a dancer straight out some Shakira video? Furthermore, Tim Wiese is simply enjoying being his usual d-bag self. My personal favorite has to be Miro Klose, though, whose tiger impression looks just as sad and harmless as the once-great striker looked on the pitch all season long. Also, a quick reminder for Cacau: this is probably as close as you'll ever get to touch that thing.

Der Weltpokal mit Weltpokal im Arm. Für SPORT BILD ließ sich DFB-Stürmer Cacau von Bodypaintern zum WM-Pokal „umsprühen“
Fertig: Raubkatze Miroslav Klose hat die Krallen geschärft. Jetzt will er auch auf dem Platz das Fürchten lehrenToni Kroos hat sich für den SPORT BILD-Fototermin einen gelben Tiger-Python ausgesucht, auch wenn er großen Respekt vor dem Tier hatteBody-Painter bemalten Nationalspieler Jerome Boatengs mit afrikanischen Zeichnungen, wie sie in Höhlen gefunden wurden
Thomas Müller in der Rolle eines afrikanischen Stammeskriegers

Für das SPORT BILD-Fotoshooting ließ sich Tim Wiese im Geparden-Muster anmalen.


  1. Haha! This is great. Thanks for posting. Wow, and some people say Orientalism is dead...........

  2. Hahahaha!!!! They all are wonderful but the Klose one will probably haunt him till the end of his days... :D

  3. Unfassbar peinlich!

    "Somebody needs to protect these clowns from themselves."

    Indeed. In fact, I'm unsure whether I can approve of you spreading ever new pinnacles of embarrassment of the boys.
